Archives: FAQs

  • Where are library programs held?

    Due to lack of space almost every event for adults or kids has to be held in the main part of the facility where everything can be heard throughout the library. Additional space is needed to allow for programs and group meetings can take place without disrupting others wishing to use the library.

  • How big is the current library and how much space is needed for our community?

    The current library is approximately 10,000 square feet. Estimates point toward the need for a 30,000 square foot building for a community the size the Moses Lake Public Library serves now. This means we need to add approximately 20,000 square feet.

  • How would an expanded library effect students and the community?

    School libraries are only open during school hours. The public library is where many of our students go to do their research or homework. Unfortunately, lack of space for computers and book collections limits what the library can currently offer. A new facility would include much needed space for collections, computers, study rooms for small…

  • What’s a hyperbolic paraboloid?

    The Moses Lake Public Library is architecturally unique, featuring a hyperbolic paraboloid roof and basalt rock walls. It is a highly visible part of the five corners and is located in a beautiful park setting.